set size square
only works for 2D, for 3D plots use set view equal
set view equal splot "points.dat" with points pt 7 ps 0.5
set size square
only works for 2D, for 3D plots use set view equal
set view equal splot "points.dat" with points pt 7 ps 0.5
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import csv import datetime import subprocess # number of days to plot, going back from today num_days = 7 if len(sys.argv) != 2: print 'syntax: %s input.csv' % sys.argv[0] sys.exit(1) start_date = - datetime.timedelta(num_days) out_files = {} averages = {} def filename(y, m, d): return '%02d-%02d-%02d.dat' % (y, m, d) with open(sys.argv[1]) as f: # skip 11 header lines for i in range(11): for row in csv.DictReader(f): (d, m, y) = (int(x) for x in row['Date'].split('/')) date = + 2000, m, d) if date >= start_date: # Taking the raw value is more precise #sg = row['Sensor Glucose (mmol/L)'] if row['Raw-Type'] == 'GlucoseSensorData': raw = row['Raw-Values'] assert raw.startswith('AMOUNT=') sg = int(raw[raw.find('=') + 1:raw.find(',')]) / 18. if (y, m, d) in out_files: out = out_files[(y, m, d)] else: out = out_files[(y, m, d)] = open(filename(y, m, d), 'wt') time = row['Time'] (hours, minutes) = int(time[:2]), int(time[3:5]) minutes -= minutes % 5 # to make windows overlap if (hours, minutes) in averages: averages[(hours, minutes)][0] += sg averages[(hours, minutes)][1] += 1 else: averages[(hours, minutes)] = [sg, 1] print >> out, row['Time'], sg # close output files for f in out_files.values(): f.close() # write averages average_file = 'average.dat' avg, avg_n = 0., 0 with open(average_file, 'wt') as f: for ((hours, minutes), (sigma, n)) in sorted(averages.items()): val = float(sigma) / n avg += val avg_n += 1 print >> f, "%02d:%02d:00 %f" % (hours, minutes, val) avg /= avg_n # create gnuplot script plot_file = 'plot.gnuplot' eps_file = 'plot.eps' with open(plot_file, 'wt') as f: plots = ', '.join('"%s" using 1:2 linewidth 2 title "%02d/%02d/%02d"' % (filename(y, m, d), d, m, y) for (y, m, d) in sorted(out_files.keys())) print >> f, ''' set terminal postscript eps color solid set output "%s" set style data lines set title "Sensor glucose (mmol/L)" set xdata time set timefmt "%%H:%%M:%%S" set format x "%%H:%%M" set yrange [2:12] set ytics 1 plot 4 notitle linewidth 3 linecolor rgb "black", 9 notitle linewidth 3 linecolor rgb "black", %f notitle linewidth 5 linecolor rgb "red", "%s" using 1:2 title "average" linewidth 5 linecolor rgb "red",''' % (eps_file, avg, average_file), plots # Run gnuplot, and convert eps to pdf subprocess.check_call('gnuplot ' + plot_file, shell=True)'epstopdf ' + eps_file, shell=True)
to download only during certain time intervals, e.g. non-peak periods of some ISP, you don't need a cron job. Instead you can use the built-in scheduling functionality. To only download between 2 am and 8 am every night, add to your .rtorrent.rc
file:schedule = throttle_start,02:00:00,24:00:00,"d.multicall=,d.start="
schedule = throttle_stop,08:00:00,24:00:00,"d.multicall=,d.stop="
version that supports x264
: HowTo.for i in *.ogv; do ffmpeg -i $i -y -vcodec libx264 -profile baseline -preset slow -crf 20 -threads 0 -acodec libfaac `basename $i .ogv`.mkv; done
gnome-color-manager for Gnome, for Xfce one can use something almost as simple to load a custom ICC color profile: xcalib. Just place an appropriate entry in the "Session and Startup" preferences and everything's fine.